The Lovely Law Firm
The Lovely Law Firm represents injured victims in their personal injury cases. The firm also handles criminal defense cases in South Carolina.
Call us ► 843-839-4111
Auto Accidents, Insurance and Claims
The Lovely Law Firm represents injured victims in their personal injury cases. The firm also handles criminal defense cases in South Carolina. -
Boy Scout Abuse and Sexual Assault Claims
We're taking these cases nationwide and investigating them and following the appropriate legal documents, whether that's through the Boy Scout Bankruptcy Trust that's going to be set up in Delaware or if there is any kind of state claims here locally in South Carolina. -
Dog Bite Claims
South Carolina is a strict liability statute. Essentially, what that means is a lot of the times, with some exceptions, we don't have to really worry about proving liability. We're simply arguing over damages. -
DUI Defense in South Carolina: What You Should and Shouldn’t Do
But so how to best represent yourself and to do the right thing by yourself is not to do anything, to stay silent. You have a right to remain silent in this country, which means you can refuse doing the breath test and you can refuse to do the field sobriety test. -
How The Lovely Law Firm Started
I love to tell the story of how we got started and when I came out of law school, I had a job and I was really lucky that I got a job because the majority of my friends didn't get a job. And you were a year behind me in law school and I didn't really know anybody, but I got a job and I worked for somebody for a year and then we started our own firm when you when you got licensed and got sworn in and we hung our shingle in a little tiny office. -
Motorcycle Accidents, Insurance and Claims
The Lovely Law Firm represents injured victims in their personal injury cases. The firm also handles criminal defense cases in South Carolina. -
Premises Liability
Premises liability is really just a fancy word for slip and falls. It's going to be referring to a slip and fall case, a trip and fall case. But it's essentially any incident or injury that occurs on a premises, it could be someone's home, but typically what you're going to hear about from the public standpoint is going to be injuries in our current facilities, businesses, and larger corporations. -
Sexual Assault Cases | A Legal Guide for Survivors
I remember sitting in a CLE once and they said that one in four people will be sexually assaulted in our lifetime. But that number is really one in two. It's just we can only get one in four women and men to actually say the words that it's happened. -
The Dangers and Risks of Vaping
The idea behind JUUL, it's an e-cigarette delivery device, and it's meant, or what we thought it was meant to do was to keep people from smoking cigarettes. There's a vape cartridge that goes into a battery device that heats up the coil, and essentially, you are led to believe that you're inhaling vapor instead of cigarette smoke. JUUL is a company that's kind of taken the market by storm. Today, they have about 70% of the e-cig market in America, and I believe even worldwide. -
Truck Accidents
Here's what you got to remember, these are 35,000 pound machines barreling down the road. It's not like you have two Ford Escorts rear-ending each other. If you get involved with a tractor trailer, it's serious property damage, and often it's very, very catastrophic injury. -
Why I Became a Lawyer | Amy Lawrence | The Lovely Law Firm
I knew that I could advocate for people who didn't have a voice, and that's why I became a lawyer. -
Work Comp in South Carolina
We get calls every day from workers that have been injured, and some are minor and some are heart-wrenching, for lack of a better word. The first thing that people always want to know is what do I do? What are the first steps I'm supposed to take? We'll answer that question today. -
Zantac, NDMA and Cancer
If you've used Zantac or Ranitidine in your life and you've developed cancer and it's stomach cancer or liver cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, anything internally with the digestive system and you have not had any kind of previous cancers, we're looking at those cases.