What is a Deposition?

A deposition is when you are giving testimony, or a witness, or someone else, who’s a part of this lawsuit, is giving testimony under oath with a court reporter in the room, and every word is being taken down.


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Hurt in a Car Wreck

First thing after a car wreck is to make sure everybody is okay. Call 911 and get medical attention if it’s needed. Then if you’re able to, move everybody to safety and out of the way, so there are no further injuries or accidents that happen.


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Hit By An Uninsured Driver

In South Carolina, you hear the term “full coverage.” That means the person who hits you only has to have $25,000 worth of coverage at all. Just going to the hospital alone may cost you more than $25,000. So, what can you do about it to protect yourself? Find out in this video.


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